Groveland Residents
The Town of Groveland applied for a grant to assist in the development of a town agricultural and farmland protection plan. Groveland has been approved for participation by the NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets. On Tuesday August 18, 2009 a kick off meeting will be held at the Groveland Town Hall, 4955 Aten Road, Groveland, NY to give an outline and answer any questions involving the following:
The goal of the Town of Groveland Agricultural and Farmland Protection Plan is to preserve agriculture as an industry in the Town and to retain farmland for agricultural use. The plan will: 1) inventory farms, farmland resources and the agribusiness operations in the Town; 2) identify farmland parcels for targeted preservation efforts; 3) evaluate and make recommendations on changes to the Town’s Comprehensive Plan and regulations to ensure consistency with state and county agricultural protection guidance and to provide additional support for farming and agribusiness; 4) incorporate public input, particularly that from the farming community; and 5) develop strategies for the implementation of a long-term preservation program.
The consultant firm Clough Harbour & Associates LLP (CHA); have been retained to assist with the preparation of the Agricultural and Farmland Protection Plan. The consultant will lead the meetings, supply all materials, agendas, meeting minutes and will work closely with an Advisory Committee selected by the Town Board. Meeting minutes and agendas will be posted to the town website as given @ and can be obtained through the Town Clerk office by calling 243-1750. This meeting is open to the public.
By order of the Town Board
Sandra Bean, Town Clerk
Run Date: August 13, 2009