20 00:05:04.050 --> 00:05:04.620 Kimberly Burgess: Alright. 21 00:05:05.880 --> 00:05:08.190 Kimberly Burgess: So supervisor Carman you present 22 00:05:08.610 --> 00:05:09.000 Here. 23 00:05:10.170 --> 00:05:10.500 Bill Carman: In the 24 00:05:10.530 --> 00:05:12.240 Kimberly Burgess: Telephone number you're calling from please 25 00:05:12.900 --> 00:05:15.030 Bill Carman: 2434066 26 00:05:16.050 --> 00:05:18.210 Kimberly Burgess: Thank you. Councilmember Devine, are you here. 27 00:05:19.560 --> 00:05:20.460 Kimberly Burgess: Yes, I am. 28 00:05:21.300 --> 00:05:23.160 Kimberly Burgess: And the telephone number you're calling from please 29 00:05:24.270 --> 00:05:27.780 Bill Devine: 585-447-0184 30 00:05:28.830 --> 00:05:29.400 Bill Devine: Thank you. 31 00:05:29.550 --> 00:05:34.410 Kimberly Burgess: COUNCILMEMBER Atterbury are you present? present my phone numbers. 32 00:05:34.530 --> 00:05:42.870 Kimberly Burgess: 585-245-3973. Thank you very much. Councilmember Niedermaier are you present 33 00:05:44.040 --> 00:05:45.600 Ron Niedermaier: My phone number. 34 00:05:46.110 --> 00:05:51.630 585-747-7251 35 00:05:53.370 --> 00:05:54.600 Ron Niedermaier: COUNCILMEMBER Phelps 36 00:05:54.600 --> 00:05:54.990 Present. 37 00:05:58.650 --> 00:06:07.680 Amy Phelps: Yes, I'm here. I'm sorry. I had a dog fight my kitchen 585-721-0771 thank you very much and 38 00:06:07.800 --> 00:06:09.870 Kimberly Burgess: Highway superintendent Caldwell, are you present. 39 00:06:11.490 --> 00:06:12.270 Kimberly Burgess: Yes, I am. 40 00:06:12.480 --> 00:06:15.810 585-721-1830 41 00:06:16.890 --> 00:06:19.410 Kimberly Burgess: Okay. Supervisor Carman, the floor is all yours. 42 00:06:20.190 --> 00:06:34.980 Bill Carman: Welcome, everybody, to start with, I want to call the meeting to order. And the Pledge of Allegiance everybody look at the flag that I know that everybody's got in front of them and I will read I pledge allegiance to the flag. 43 00:06:35.250 --> 00:06:39.990 Bill Carman: Of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands. 44 00:06:40.080 --> 00:06:45.600 Bill Carman: One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 45 00:06:49.410 --> 00:06:50.130 Bill Carman: I think that 46 00:06:50.190 --> 00:06:52.560 Bill Carman: The next time we do this if we do it, I think. 47 00:06:52.890 --> 00:06:58.200 Bill Carman: It'll just be said and nobody else has to repeat it, because I think that that messes up the 48 00:06:59.370 --> 00:07:04.650 Bill Carman: The printed version of this, if I'm not mistaken in that. Then there are some issues with those Kim. 49 00:07:05.550 --> 00:07:07.410 Kimberly Burgess: Correct. Yes, sir. Yeah, so 50 00:07:07.920 --> 00:07:08.340 Okay. 51 00:07:10.500 --> 00:07:17.520 Bill Carman: Everybody has audited, the claims there was that would add. We need a motion to approve the abstract. 52 00:07:19.260 --> 00:07:22.260 Amy Phelps: Amy Phelps so moved Steve second 53 00:07:23.430 --> 00:07:24.420 Ron Niedermaier: All in favor. 54 00:07:25.170 --> 00:07:29.220 Bill Carman: Do you want those called out camera just everybody say 55 00:07:31.470 --> 00:07:32.610 Bill Devine: We should probably call them. 56 00:07:32.880 --> 00:07:35.700 Kimberly Burgess: So supervisor Carman in favor. 57 00:07:37.410 --> 00:07:38.190 Bill Carman: Aye 58 00:07:38.520 --> 00:07:39.510 Kimberly Burgess: Councilmember Devine in favor 59 00:07:40.530 --> 00:07:42.300 Bill Devine: aye 60 00:07:42.390 --> 00:07:44.340 Kimberly Burgess: Councilmember Atterbury in favor 61 00:07:45.360 --> 00:07:45.720 Kimberly Burgess: 62 00:07:47.280 --> 00:07:48.540 Steve Atterbury:Aye, 63 00:07:48.540 --> 00:07:50.040 Kimberly Burgess: Council member Niedermaier in Favor 64 00:07:51.450 --> 00:07:52.920 Ron Niedermaier: Aye. 65 00:07:54.000 --> 00:07:54.480 Kimberly Burgess: Councilmember Phelps in favor 66 00:07:55.650 --> 00:07:56.100 Amy Phelps: OK. 67 00:07:56.190 --> 00:07:58.980 Kimberly Burgess: We can move forward. Thank you. We need to 68 00:07:59.040 --> 00:08:03.240 Bill Carman: approve the minutes of the April night meeting. 69 00:08:04.620 --> 00:08:06.780 Bill Carman: We need a motion. And then the second 70 00:08:09.900 --> 00:08:10.950 Ron Niedermaier: I'll make the motion. 71 00:08:12.930 --> 00:08:13.740 Bill Carman:and a second 72 00:08:15.990 --> 00:08:17.130 Amy Phelps: Amy for a second. 73 00:08:19.290 --> 00:08:22.470 Bill Carman: Okay. Okay. Would you call roll. Please, yeah. 74 00:08:22.500 --> 00:08:25.050 Kimberly Burgess: Who was who made the first motion. I'm sorry, I missed that. 75 00:08:29.310 --> 00:08:29.490 Ron Niedermaier: So, 76 00:08:30.930 --> 00:08:35.550 Kimberly Burgess: Okay, so I have a motion by Bill divine and seconded by COUNCILMEMBER Amy Phelps to accept the minute 77 00:08:36.780 --> 00:08:38.850 Kimberly Burgess: Supervisor Carmen. Do you accept a minute. 78 00:08:39.810 --> 00:08:40.140 Yes. 79 00:08:41.550 --> 00:08:42.570 Councilmember Devine. 80 00:08:44.550 --> 00:08:47.130 Kimberly Burgess: Yes. Councilmember Atterbury 81 00:08:48.360 --> 00:08:48.720 Steve Atterbury: High 82 00:08:50.070 --> 00:08:50.880 Kimberly Burgess: Councilmember Niedermaier. 83 00:08:53.280 --> 00:08:54.480 Ron Niedermaier: I'm COUNCILMEMBER Phelps 84 00:08:55.620 --> 00:08:56.010 Kimberly Burgess: I'm 85 00:08:57.150 --> 00:08:57.570 Amy Phelps: Okay. 86 00:08:58.200 --> 00:09:00.480 Kimberly Burgess: Thank you. We need a motion to 87 00:09:00.480 --> 00:09:03.210 Bill Carman: Accept the supervisors financial reports. 88 00:09:04.920 --> 00:09:06.060 A motion, please. 89 00:09:10.050 --> 00:09:11.970 Kimberly Burgess: Councilmember Atterbury you made the motion. 90 00:09:12.930 --> 00:09:13.410 Steve Atterbury: I did. 91 00:09:14.220 --> 00:09:15.180 A second, please. 92 00:09:16.410 --> 00:09:18.120 Bill Devine: Bill Devine second 93 00:09:19.830 --> 00:09:20.460 Amy Phelps: second. Let's have no fighting 94 00:09:22.230 --> 00:09:28.650 Kimberly Burgess: I have Bill Devine. Second, so the motion was made by COUNCILMEMBER Atterbury and seconded by COUNCILMEMBER Bill Devine. 95 00:09:31.710 --> 00:09:32.040 Bill Carman: Aye. 96 00:09:33.510 --> 00:09:34.800 Kimberly Burgess: Councilmember Devine. 97 00:09:36.030 --> 00:09:36.420 Bill Devine: Aye 98 00:09:37.560 --> 00:09:38.850 Kimberly Burgess: councilman member Atterbury 99 00:09:39.870 --> 00:09:40.290 Steve Atterbury: Aye 100 00:09:41.670 --> 00:09:43.560 Kimberly Burgess:Councilmember Niedermaier 101 00:09:44.670 --> 00:09:45.660 Ron Niedermaier: COUNCILMEMBER Phelps 102 00:09:46.830 --> 00:09:47.190 Kimberly Burgess: aye 103 00:09:48.330 --> 00:09:49.380 Amy Phelps: Okay, thank you. 104 00:09:50.760 --> 00:09:51.240 Kimberly Burgess: Okay. 105 00:09:51.630 --> 00:09:58.290 Bill Carman: Our first. Thank you. Our first order of business is the public hearing for the 106 00:09:59.940 --> 00:10:01.710 Bill Carman: Solar battery storage. 107 00:10:03.000 --> 00:10:05.460 Bill Carman: So nobody else is in 108 00:10:07.710 --> 00:10:16.500 Bill Carman: In the meeting. So, do we still Kim, do we still have to a read the entire thing for the record or not, or what 109 00:10:17.370 --> 00:10:20.460 Kimberly Burgess: Yes, sir. I believe you should read the advertisement, please. 110 00:10:22.800 --> 00:10:23.820 Amy Phelps: You know, many pages. 111 00:10:25.830 --> 00:10:32.430 Kimberly Burgess: You just need to read the public hearing notice some of the first the first page or I can read it for you. I have it right here in front of me. 112 00:10:34.230 --> 00:10:35.070 Kimberly Burgess: Well, I've got it too. 113 00:10:35.160 --> 00:10:44.040 Bill Carman: beggary that's no I'm not afraid to read it. But so we're just going section one or Section two and three or 114 00:10:47.790 --> 00:10:49.080 Kimberly Burgess: Not we're going to do the 115 00:10:50.910 --> 00:10:52.650 Bill Carman: Again, let me find so 116 00:10:52.890 --> 00:10:56.460 Bill Carman: We're not doing the proposed local law number of 2020 117 00:10:58.440 --> 00:10:59.760 Bill Carman: Correct. We're just going to do this. 118 00:11:00.030 --> 00:11:01.230 Kimberly Burgess: Notice the public hearing 119 00:11:01.890 --> 00:11:03.300 Bill Carman: Hang on. One minute then 120 00:11:07.230 --> 00:11:09.150 Bill Carman: So that I can find it here. 121 00:11:11.970 --> 00:11:12.960 Bill Carman: Why can I find it. 122 00:11:20.160 --> 00:11:27.480 Bill Carman: OK, so the resolution 41 2020 No that's that's the resolution, we're going to be doing, but 123 00:11:27.480 --> 00:11:31.350 Kimberly Burgess: The notice of the public hearing. I have it right in front of me. So, okay, go ahead them. 124 00:11:31.410 --> 00:11:36.570 Bill Carman: Because I don't, because I printed front and back on here and I'm having a hard time 125 00:11:37.620 --> 00:11:39.840 Bill Carman: I'm sure so go ahead please get 126 00:11:41.160 --> 00:11:43.080 Bill Carman: On a girl will notice of public hearing 127 00:11:43.110 --> 00:11:49.950 Kimberly Burgess: A proposal local law entitled A local law establishing a temporary land use moratorium prohibiting battery storage. 128 00:11:50.670 --> 00:12:01.890 Kimberly Burgess: Battery energy storage systems within the town of groveland notices nearby, given that a public hearing regarding a proposal, a lot in titled A local law establishing a temporary land use. 129 00:12:02.370 --> 00:12:10.890 Kimberly Burgess: Moratorium prohibiting battery energy storage systems within the town of groveland will be held on the 14th day of May 2020 6:30pm 130 00:12:11.310 --> 00:12:19.260 Kimberly Burgess: Due to precautions being taken by the town of groveland during the coven 19 pandemics. The town board will not be conducting the public hearing in person. 131 00:12:19.590 --> 00:12:30.030 Kimberly Burgess: And coordinates with the governor, Governor Cuomo is executive order to 2.1 public hearing will be held the zoom teleconference time may 14 2020 6:30pm 132 00:12:30.810 --> 00:12:46.350 Kimberly Burgess: Join zoom meeting 16468769923 us in your meeting ID number 95 57680168 the town board of the town of groveland is considered a proposed local law. 133 00:12:47.190 --> 00:12:54.600 Kimberly Burgess: Known as a local law establishing temporary land use more tutorials prohibiting battery energy storage systems within the town of groveland 134 00:12:55.170 --> 00:13:00.570 Kimberly Burgess: To temporarily halted development of battery energy storage systems for a period of up to six months. 135 00:13:01.020 --> 00:13:08.880 Kimberly Burgess: While the town considered comprehensive zoning changes and inactive enactment of zoning measures to specifically address matters of the Community concerns. 136 00:13:09.420 --> 00:13:15.540 Kimberly Burgess: This public hearing is being held to hear all interested parties and citizens for or against the adoption of said local law. 137 00:13:16.110 --> 00:13:26.520 Kimberly Burgess: To copy of the proposed local law is also available for review at the town clerk's office by appointment only and available on the town website at WWW dot groveland ny.org 138 00:13:27.030 --> 00:13:34.890 Kimberly Burgess: Please submit your concerns/ report to the supervisor and no later than May 13 2020 by order of the town board Kimberly Burgess, town clerk. 139 00:13:37.110 --> 00:13:37.650 Thank you. 140 00:13:39.480 --> 00:13:43.020 Bill Carman: And it's a good thing cuz I don't have it. I don't know why, but 141 00:13:44.130 --> 00:13:52.380 Bill Carman: Anyways, so that the public hearing is open. Is there any comments from anybody on the board. 142 00:13:57.210 --> 00:14:10.320 Bill Carman: If there's no comments, then this will stay open this public hearing will stay open for the duration of the meeting, then I'll ask again, if anybody's got any comments or anything for it. Before we close out the hearing. 143 00:14:11.100 --> 00:14:12.360 Kimberly Burgess: Our next item of 144 00:14:12.360 --> 00:14:14.550 Bill Carman: Business will be the highway report mark. 145 00:14:17.040 --> 00:14:26.400 MArk Caldwell: Okay, the guys. We just finished taken off the last piece of plow equipment little later than usual because of the incoming weather. 146 00:14:28.320 --> 00:14:35.730 MArk Caldwell: We've been doing a lot of extensive ditching especially on Dantz road getting prepared to do the full depth polarization 147 00:14:36.840 --> 00:14:40.410 MArk Caldwell: And ditching and on Lee and Barber Hill and several other roads Latimer road. 148 00:14:42.390 --> 00:14:44.910 MArk Caldwell: The guys have been hauling gravel, so we can finish up. 149 00:14:48.210 --> 00:14:49.860 Bill Carman: And we need some more on Dantz. 150 00:14:49.860 --> 00:14:52.290 MArk Caldwell: Road when we do this for pulverization 151 00:14:54.660 --> 00:14:58.650 MArk Caldwell: Just finished grading. Most of the roads for the first time this year. 152 00:15:01.170 --> 00:15:01.590 And then 153 00:15:02.640 --> 00:15:04.650 MArk Caldwell: We've been working at the ambuscade park planting. 154 00:15:04.800 --> 00:15:07.050 MArk Caldwell: trees that were brought in. 155 00:15:08.070 --> 00:15:10.530 MArk Caldwell: And given to the town I put the gap. 156 00:15:10.590 --> 00:15:12.900 MArk Caldwell: I put the grills in and 157 00:15:13.500 --> 00:15:14.730 MArk Caldwell: And I got all the conduit. 158 00:15:14.730 --> 00:15:19.770 MArk Caldwell: Run for the electric saw that when Bill, gets ready we can install that 159 00:15:20.820 --> 00:15:21.840 MArk Caldwell: And that's about it for me. 160 00:15:23.940 --> 00:15:24.630 MArk Caldwell: Very 161 00:15:25.140 --> 00:15:26.940 Bill Carman: Good. One night I want to 162 00:15:28.140 --> 00:15:38.070 Bill Carman: It was brought to my attention mark that down. They called me and wanted to compliment the Scott and they excellent ditching jab. He did down in his place and 163 00:15:39.690 --> 00:15:45.420 Bill Carman: He whatever he did Jim was very happy wanted to make sure that I know what I want to make sure that you know it. 164 00:15:46.530 --> 00:15:49.290 MArk Caldwell: And take it from there. Anybody got any 165 00:15:49.950 --> 00:15:51.090 Bill Carman: Questions for Mark 166 00:15:52.110 --> 00:15:54.270 Steve Atterbury: Steve does go ahead 167 00:15:56.100 --> 00:16:01.950 Steve Atterbury: Yeah. Mark Mickey and I drove up to the Ambuscade the other day, and both of us remarked on how great 168 00:16:03.030 --> 00:16:06.840 Steve Atterbury: So I want to compliment you on a job well done there. The trees planted and 169 00:16:07.380 --> 00:16:08.820 Steve Atterbury: Everything looks really good. 170 00:16:10.440 --> 00:16:21.930 MArk Caldwell: Okay, thank you. It's yeah it's starting to come together now. I mean, once we get everything put in our name. I'll finish up the driveway situation and then we'll dress the sewer at a later date when the weather clears up hopefully 171 00:16:26.460 --> 00:16:27.660 Bill Carman: Anybody else for 172 00:16:29.310 --> 00:16:29.970 Bill Carman: For mark. 173 00:16:32.730 --> 00:16:33.390 Bill Carman: That all sounds 174 00:16:33.420 --> 00:16:33.780 Great. 175 00:16:36.270 --> 00:16:46.230 Bill Carman: We're gonna have we're gonna be back to the Ambuscade here in our last agenda item. So I wait to the ask any more that 176 00:16:47.550 --> 00:16:53.910 Bill Carman: I'm trying to find this printing on both sides is for the birds. I'm 177 00:16:55.800 --> 00:16:56.250 Bill Carman: Trying 178 00:16:57.360 --> 00:16:58.770 Bill Carman: To find my 179 00:17:02.520 --> 00:17:03.750 Bill Carman: Bear with me please. 180 00:17:05.550 --> 00:17:07.590 Ron Niedermaier: Sounds like birds are chirping someplace. 181 00:17:21.300 --> 00:17:23.280 Ron Niedermaier: Okay, our next day. 182 00:17:26.430 --> 00:17:26.580 Bill Carman: The 183 00:17:26.610 --> 00:17:28.830 Bill Carman: coronavirus update 184 00:17:30.870 --> 00:17:31.290 Bill Carman: And 185 00:17:32.580 --> 00:17:33.300 Bill Carman: As of 186 00:17:34.650 --> 00:17:38.640 Bill Carman: As of today, we have 103 positive 187 00:17:39.990 --> 00:17:43.890 Bill Carman: As it is in the county out right. I'm sorry. 188 00:17:44.850 --> 00:17:46.680 Amy Phelps: You're not right on that I can you say 189 00:17:47.820 --> 00:17:54.060 Bill Carman: This is what was given to me by the county where we're at. We're at 104 190 00:17:54.270 --> 00:18:03.240 Amy Phelps: Positives to it then or 2005 negative so 4.9% of our population that we have tested positive 191 00:18:04.350 --> 00:18:11.550 Amy Phelps: And we've tested, about three little over 3% of the entire county population, assuming the census is correct. 192 00:18:12.810 --> 00:18:14.670 Amy Phelps: and seven deaths correct 193 00:18:15.660 --> 00:18:16.080 Yeah. 194 00:18:19.980 --> 00:18:20.640 Bill Carman: An app on 195 00:18:21.210 --> 00:18:23.610 Amy Phelps: 5 of those in Avon That one and Caledonia, is it 196 00:18:25.620 --> 00:18:29.340 Bill Carman: Five. It goes five of those were out of the avon nursing home 197 00:18:30.810 --> 00:18:32.190 Bill Carman: Which one, five or six 198 00:18:33.240 --> 00:18:42.630 Amy Phelps: Five nursing home and six was avon on but not nursing home first. Okay, you're getting, you know you're there you're getting the update 199 00:18:42.660 --> 00:18:43.440 So tomorrow. 200 00:18:44.730 --> 00:18:48.780 Bill Carman: I'll get that information. Tomorrow I probably at 8 am 201 00:18:49.140 --> 00:18:50.550 Amy Phelps: Yeah, it 202 00:18:50.820 --> 00:18:51.180 In 203 00:18:52.410 --> 00:18:54.840 Bill Carman: So anyways, there's the update and 204 00:18:55.980 --> 00:18:56.910 Bill Carman: coronavirus 205 00:18:58.560 --> 00:18:59.190 Bill Carman: We are 206 00:19:00.690 --> 00:19:05.970 Bill Carman: Also, as of Friday we're going to be opening up the county is going to be opening up 207 00:19:07.260 --> 00:19:08.490 Bill Carman: Manufacturing. 208 00:19:09.660 --> 00:19:11.970 Bill Carman: And construction. 209 00:19:13.980 --> 00:19:19.500 Bill Carman: Inertia. Those are the biggies are the not Amy. What was the other ones there. 210 00:19:22.230 --> 00:19:30.510 Amy Phelps: farming and fishing fishing was one person farming and whatever the other one was, yeah. I don't know. I don't pay attention. 211 00:19:31.050 --> 00:19:31.650 Amy Phelps: Yeah, they're not 212 00:19:32.340 --> 00:19:35.790 Bill Carman: They're not major items and construction is obviously 213 00:19:37.140 --> 00:19:43.380 Bill Carman: And they are still have a rumored the 20th, they're going to open up more, but I don't know. 214 00:19:44.670 --> 00:19:44.940 Bill Carman: She 215 00:19:46.950 --> 00:19:50.460 Bill Carman: Camprgrounds open with restrictions. Yep. 216 00:19:51.720 --> 00:19:52.200 Amy Phelps: And 217 00:19:55.110 --> 00:19:58.110 Bill Carman: That's unless anybody got any questions because 218 00:20:00.000 --> 00:20:02.940 Bill Carman: Amy, you're probably more on top of it than I am. 219 00:20:04.230 --> 00:20:05.550 Amy Phelps: Yeah, we're testing. 220 00:20:07.500 --> 00:20:16.410 Amy Phelps: Drive up Testing at NOYES in Geneseo at the after hours, there across from Byrne and then down and NOYES and 221 00:20:17.730 --> 00:20:28.620 Amy Phelps: So we're testing. A lot of people right now. Just because you've read the news you know Tom wahls starlight. So that was kind of, you know, clusters of people. So we tested a lot 222 00:20:29.670 --> 00:20:30.210 Amy Phelps: So we just 223 00:20:30.660 --> 00:20:38.070 Amy Phelps: They want it. Then there was the rule that every healthcare worker could get tested. So we did a lot. We did the CNR over in Mount Morris. 224 00:20:39.150 --> 00:20:46.020 Amy Phelps: So we've done a lot more testing and it's, you know, we're, we've been between last two weeks would be seeing five and 7% positive 225 00:20:48.420 --> 00:20:49.260 Kimberly Burgess: That isn't it. 226 00:20:50.010 --> 00:20:51.300 Amy Phelps: You everybody over 227 00:20:51.300 --> 00:20:53.730 Bill Carman: There has to be tested twice a week. Right. 228 00:20:54.810 --> 00:20:55.050 Bill Carman: And 229 00:20:55.530 --> 00:20:57.420 Amy Phelps:At the nursing home yeah yeah 230 00:20:58.590 --> 00:20:59.010 Kimberly Burgess: And we're 231 00:20:59.370 --> 00:21:04.320 Bill Carman: Not we don't have any patients that are positive, do we. Nope. Nope. 232 00:21:05.370 --> 00:21:09.810 Amy Phelps: Well thank you were little test to, I don't know if you guys have been tested yet, but it's brutal. 233 00:21:12.240 --> 00:21:13.380 Amy Phelps: It's brutal 234 00:21:14.580 --> 00:21:14.730 Amy Phelps: I 235 00:21:15.660 --> 00:21:17.640 Bill Carman: Said, I was just 236 00:21:18.930 --> 00:21:21.870 Ron Niedermaier: I was tested the other day and youre right is brutal 237 00:21:22.890 --> 00:21:23.400 Ron Niedermaier: Yeah, well, 238 00:21:23.490 --> 00:21:25.380 Amy Phelps: I tell you, it's 10 seconds 239 00:21:26.700 --> 00:21:29.670 Bill Carman: Good. How did you get tested run. I know amy gets tested. 240 00:21:30.690 --> 00:21:34.050 Ron Niedermaier: i gad to go for procedure done a strong. Oh, okay. 241 00:21:35.070 --> 00:21:35.460 Bill Carman: Yep. 242 00:21:36.480 --> 00:21:42.120 Amy Phelps: Yeah, that's the typically. Now, if you have any procedure done. They're doing a testing 72 hours before 243 00:21:44.130 --> 00:21:45.210 Kimberly Burgess: We're getting results back 244 00:21:45.240 --> 00:21:48.180 Amy Phelps: Usually 24 to 36 hours. So it's quick 245 00:21:49.380 --> 00:21:50.940 Amy Phelps: Things, a time of becoming routine. 246 00:21:52.710 --> 00:21:55.470 Bill Carman: and they had a bunch of bad batches sent to the county 247 00:21:56.580 --> 00:21:56.970 Amy Phelps: Yeah. 248 00:21:58.050 --> 00:21:59.580 Amy Phelps: Yeah, that helps. 249 00:22:01.320 --> 00:22:02.490 Bill Carman: And today, they furloughed 250 00:22:02.670 --> 00:22:05.040 Amy Phelps: The first group of people from Department of Health. 251 00:22:06.450 --> 00:22:07.800 Kimberly Burgess: Okay, if anybody doesn't 252 00:22:07.800 --> 00:22:10.140 Bill Carman: Know what's going on with that then 253 00:22:11.550 --> 00:22:19.920 Bill Carman: The counties look into furlough from all the different departments, anybody that they can because there's major financial impact. 254 00:22:21.570 --> 00:22:24.180 Bill Carman: With this and they're trying to get out ahead of it. 255 00:22:26.460 --> 00:22:32.280 Bill Carman: And so they've pretty much with none of it is mandatory to my knowledge yet. 256 00:22:34.020 --> 00:22:34.860 Bill Carman: But it will be 257 00:22:36.420 --> 00:22:45.150 Bill Carman: But most people are agreeing to it because they're collecting that the unemployment, the extra $600 a week. So as my understanding. 258 00:22:46.470 --> 00:22:56.730 Bill Carman: And so that's going to continue. And so it's millions of dollars, and I don't have the exact amount that we're losing at the county level because of lack of sales tax. 259 00:22:58.560 --> 00:23:01.890 Bill Carman: on goods and on fuel that we're not getting 260 00:23:06.390 --> 00:23:07.140 Bill Carman: Let me see here. 261 00:23:09.840 --> 00:23:11.520 Bill Carman: and since, we're in the corona. 262 00:23:13.800 --> 00:23:17.280 Bill Carman: Kim and I handed out the face masks and the 263 00:23:18.450 --> 00:23:22.290 Bill Carman: The 29th of April from 530 to 730 264 00:23:23.340 --> 00:23:29.760 Bill Carman: We have 1000 given to us by the county and then we've got another 250 265 00:23:31.170 --> 00:23:33.690 Bill Carman: And I don't know how many of those we have left Kim. 266 00:23:35.160 --> 00:23:36.180 Bill Carman: We probably have 267 00:23:36.420 --> 00:23:38.040 Kimberly Burgess: About 270 left 268 00:23:39.510 --> 00:23:41.130 Kimberly Burgess: So if anybody have any 269 00:23:41.130 --> 00:23:49.530 Bill Carman: Residency you know need it, then contact Kim or myself or whatever will make sure that they they get the facemask 270 00:23:52.710 --> 00:24:00.840 Bill Carman: Also, since I'm on the coronavirus the cancellations or they've already cancelled the lake of fire. 271 00:24:02.610 --> 00:24:03.360 Bill Carman: The 272 00:24:04.530 --> 00:24:07.650 Bill Carman: Arts and Crafts. The annual craft sale is cancelled. 273 00:24:08.940 --> 00:24:11.520 Bill Carman: Livonia autumn in the village just cancelled. 274 00:24:13.860 --> 00:24:20.640 Bill Carman: The coffee with the county is is cancelled and hopefully we'll be able to reschedule that in the fall. 275 00:24:22.590 --> 00:24:31.080 Bill Carman: And the worst, you know, schools are cancelled for this year. Everybody knows we don't know what it's going to happen in the fall. Nobody knows yet. 276 00:24:34.800 --> 00:24:43.770 Bill Carman: And due to the extension of the governor stay at home orders to town board originally approved the non essential employee paid until May 1 2020 277 00:24:44.670 --> 00:25:04.140 Bill Carman: And it's my understanding that the courts may allow their staff to transition back to work to process paperwork with courts remaining closed until June 1 2020 currently the town offices remain close to the public and can make an appointment with the clerk's office. 278 00:25:06.540 --> 00:25:13.680 Bill Carman: And we will continue to pay the non essential employees to May 15 2020 which is 279 00:25:15.360 --> 00:25:28.260 Bill Carman: Friday so their average hours and then allowed employees to return to work. Practicing the appropriate appropriate social distancing and use personal protective equipment that is provided by the town. 280 00:25:31.980 --> 00:25:51.960 Bill Carman: And I recommend that that we keep that same the Town Clerk being closed and only open by appointment until June 1 in undated emotions for that action is we are paying employees currently past it may 1 2020 due date am i correct with that Kim. 281 00:25:52.950 --> 00:26:06.690 Kimberly Burgess: Yes, we need a motion, just to hold on to extend that the payroll because the you know what we're obviously past that now and we can do anything. So just extending it to Friday emotion for that. 282 00:26:09.450 --> 00:26:10.620 Steve Atterbury: Emotion in 283 00:26:12.240 --> 00:26:13.260 Steve Atterbury: 284 00:26:13.620 --> 00:26:14.430 Councilmember Atterbury 285 00:26:15.660 --> 00:26:16.920 Bill Devine: Bill Devine second 286 00:26:20.430 --> 00:26:21.510 Bill Carman: Please call role. 287 00:26:22.770 --> 00:26:24.570 Kimberly Burgess: Yeah, absolutely. Supervisor Carman. 288 00:26:25.710 --> 00:26:26.700 Bill Carman: aye. 289 00:26:29.010 --> 00:26:30.300 COUNCILMEMBER devine aye 290 00:26:32.820 --> 00:26:33.990 Councilmember Atterbury 291 00:26:35.160 --> 00:26:35.550 Kimberly Burgess: aye 292 00:26:40.830 --> 00:26:41.760 Ron Niedermaier: Councilmember Niedermaier 293 00:26:43.110 --> 00:26:43.470 Kimberly Burgess: aye Councilmember Phelps aye 294 00:26:47.550 --> 00:26:56.250 Kimberly Burgess: And then the only other thing we need is if the town board wishes to continue to keep the office by appointment only that the until June 1 295 00:26:59.970 --> 00:27:00.330 Ron Niedermaier: need a motion on that 296 00:27:01.710 --> 00:27:02.580 Bill Carman: Yes, please. 297 00:27:07.200 --> 00:27:09.330 Kimberly Burgess: Councilmember Niedermaier made, the motion and a second. 298 00:27:12.060 --> 00:27:12.480 Bill Devine: Bill Devine will second. 299 00:27:14.970 --> 00:27:15.990 and the role please. 300 00:27:17.340 --> 00:27:19.110 Kimberly Burgess: Supervisor Carman, aye. 301 00:27:21.570 --> 00:27:22.710 Kimberly Burgess: COUNCILMEMBER devine 302 00:27:26.370 --> 00:27:27.540 Bill Devine: Councilmember Atterbury 303 00:27:28.620 --> 00:27:30.990 Kimberly Burgess: aye Councilmember Neidermaier 304 00:27:31.800 --> 00:27:32.100 aye 305 00:27:33.270 --> 00:27:34.380 councilmember Phelps. 306 00:27:35.580 --> 00:27:35.940 Kimberly Burgess: aye motion carried unannimously 307 00:27:37.740 --> 00:27:37.980 Amy Phelps: Know, 308 00:27:40.230 --> 00:27:40.680 Bill Carman: Okay. 309 00:27:41.940 --> 00:27:43.920 Bill Carman: Thank you. Our next 310 00:27:45.570 --> 00:27:52.230 Bill Carman: Action Item is we had the bids in for the water fill station. 311 00:27:53.250 --> 00:27:54.090 Bill Devine: Everybody got 312 00:27:54.330 --> 00:27:56.790 Bill Carman: A copy of that. Correct. yep. 313 00:27:57.990 --> 00:27:58.920 Ron Niedermaier: I would like 314 00:27:58.980 --> 00:27:59.580 To 315 00:28:02.760 --> 00:28:04.290 Bill Carman: Put this to 316 00:28:05.460 --> 00:28:10.980 Bill Carman: Not vote at it to to table it for a month. And I'll give you the reason why 317 00:28:13.050 --> 00:28:15.330 Bill Carman: We are approximately 318 00:28:16.650 --> 00:28:20.010 Bill Carman: Kim help me here $7,000. Are we over 319 00:28:21.120 --> 00:28:24.300 Bill Carman: We went out of our own coffers six or seven 320 00:28:25.620 --> 00:28:25.980 Kimberly Burgess: Yes. 321 00:28:27.000 --> 00:28:27.720 Kimberly Burgess: Okay, so 322 00:28:28.200 --> 00:28:31.350 Bill Carman: If we if we put this out to 323 00:28:33.480 --> 00:28:33.810 Bill Carman: To 324 00:28:36.420 --> 00:28:55.680 Bill Carman: Crossley Crosby Brownlee construction,we would have to towns going to ask them up with the six to 7000 dollars to complete it because we only get and 61,000 in their bid was 64,200. And then we also had some of our own work to add to be done. 325 00:28:56.820 --> 00:29:00.060 Bill Carman: I reached out to Clark Patterson, they've got 326 00:29:01.200 --> 00:29:01.560 Bill Carman: To 327 00:29:02.640 --> 00:29:06.870 Bill Carman: They've got two pumps. One is for redundancy purposes. And I asked him. 328 00:29:07.890 --> 00:29:12.900 Bill Carman: About eliminating a pump in any ways trying to cut down to bill. I think that 329 00:29:14.070 --> 00:29:18.600 Bill Carman: We should be very cautious of spending any money do we know what's going to happen. 330 00:29:19.770 --> 00:29:22.710 Bill Carman: We, we think that we're going to be getting 331 00:29:24.240 --> 00:29:25.230 Bill Carman: The money from the 332 00:29:26.400 --> 00:29:34.050 Bill Carman: State for the roads, the chips in the winter weather money. Is that the right one mark as i say that right 333 00:29:35.430 --> 00:29:39.960 MArk Caldwell: Oh yeah, I haven't got anything from the state yet in black and white, but I'm waiting. 334 00:29:40.680 --> 00:29:48.210 Bill Carman: Right, but it so but supposedly that's going to be coming but if there's a shorter money they're going to cut wherever they're going to cut 335 00:29:48.870 --> 00:30:09.090 Bill Carman: And the same token, though I don't wish to not do this becaise. I think that if we if we say no we're not going to. I think that there's a good possibility that they'll take that and then we won't get this money. And so I want Clarke Patterson to 336 00:30:10.500 --> 00:30:16.500 Bill Carman: Work with Crosby is see if they can lower the price and then 337 00:30:17.640 --> 00:30:24.660 Bill Carman: Next month that they can we would approve the bid if everybody agreed to it, we would approve the bid and then 338 00:30:26.700 --> 00:30:33.060 Bill Carman: Give them the bid and then there would be a reduction after they've received received the bid in 339 00:30:34.380 --> 00:30:52.590 Bill Carman: lowering it down in my goal is to get it down so that we won't have anything get it down to the 61,000 or whatever, whatever it is, 60,000 whatever we have there are very close to that so that we're not coming out of the general fund to put more money in to it 340 00:30:52.740 --> 00:30:58.950 Amy Phelps: Bill would we have to put the bid out again because change the specs. No, no. 341 00:30:59.010 --> 00:31:10.920 Bill Carman: What we would do is, according to Clark Patterson, what we would do is we would give them that we would approve it at the 64,200 and then 342 00:31:12.300 --> 00:31:14.010 Bill Carman: They would give a change order. 343 00:31:14.070 --> 00:31:15.390 That would lower the price. 344 00:31:18.990 --> 00:31:20.190 Bill Carman: He doesn't think 345 00:31:20.280 --> 00:31:22.710 Bill Carman: Jason doesn't think that 346 00:31:24.270 --> 00:31:25.410 Bill Carman: We would get 347 00:31:27.810 --> 00:31:28.800 Bill Carman: If we rebid it 348 00:31:28.830 --> 00:31:30.900 Bill Carman: He just three of them. 349 00:31:31.530 --> 00:31:39.750 Bill Carman: 6467 68 we're close. He doesn't think that you're going to do if we rebid it you're going to save a whole bunch 350 00:31:40.860 --> 00:31:53.880 Bill Carman: So he thinks that they can try to work something out to get it down. And if we can, you know, if we cut down in three or $4,000 then with the board to determine whether or not we should do it. 351 00:31:55.920 --> 00:32:03.570 Bill Carman: And I do. Like I said, and I firmly believe that if we tell the state that we're not going to do this, you're not going to have that money. 352 00:32:04.110 --> 00:32:16.230 Bill Carman: So it's gonna be one chance but at the same token, I don't think we need redundancy in the pumps. This is for more or less for frill to have a water station that in so 353 00:32:17.400 --> 00:32:21.690 Bill Carman: Is there any, any questions, I'm a thinking on this or not 354 00:32:24.840 --> 00:32:27.120 Bill Devine: No, I think you're right on. Right on the track. 355 00:32:28.410 --> 00:32:29.970 Amy Phelps: You need a motion to 356 00:32:31.080 --> 00:32:33.210 Amy Phelps: Hold the most resolution for a month than 357 00:32:35.460 --> 00:32:35.820 We do. 358 00:32:37.230 --> 00:32:41.490 Kimberly Burgess: What i don't think i think you can table it for a month or for without 359 00:32:42.900 --> 00:32:46.320 Bill Carman: So as long as everybody's in agreement, we will table it for a month. 360 00:32:48.450 --> 00:32:49.470 Bill Carman: Everybody in agreement. 361 00:32:52.110 --> 00:32:52.740 Bill Carman: Amy's yeah 362 00:32:53.640 --> 00:32:54.000 Okay. 363 00:32:57.720 --> 00:33:01.650 Bill Carman: Well then that's tables. I gotta find my papers again here. 364 00:33:04.140 --> 00:33:05.670 Bill Devine: Next, item is the. 365 00:33:07.650 --> 00:33:08.910 Bill Carman: Ambuscade Park 366 00:33:11.010 --> 00:33:11.730 Bill Carman: Ron 367 00:33:13.410 --> 00:33:14.820 Bill Carman: Tell us the nightmare. 368 00:33:15.840 --> 00:33:17.310 Bill Carman: Of the Ambuscade park. 369 00:33:18.330 --> 00:33:19.530 Kimberly Burgess: Right away, or the 370 00:33:20.010 --> 00:33:21.690 Bill Carman: 30 foot strip that we wish. 371 00:33:22.980 --> 00:33:24.060 Ron Niedermaier: Well, it's all been 372 00:33:26.850 --> 00:33:28.770 Ron Niedermaier: that pins are in 373 00:33:30.630 --> 00:33:32.130 Ron Niedermaier: They've got the paperwork. 374 00:33:33.150 --> 00:33:35.190 Ron Niedermaier: They meaning the Thompson's 375 00:33:36.060 --> 00:33:39.870 Bill Carman: Yes, and I check with 376 00:33:40.020 --> 00:33:40.950 Kathy. 377 00:33:42.540 --> 00:33:43.980 Bill Carman: last week one day. 378 00:33:44.940 --> 00:33:45.240 And 379 00:33:46.380 --> 00:33:47.610 Ron Niedermaier: She just told me that 380 00:33:48.360 --> 00:33:50.250 Ron Niedermaier: She will give me a call when they got 381 00:33:50.490 --> 00:33:51.930 Ron Niedermaier: When they're ready to give it over. 382 00:33:53.640 --> 00:33:53.940 Ron Niedermaier: so, 383 00:33:55.620 --> 00:33:56.880 Kimberly Burgess: It's kind of sounds like there. 384 00:33:59.430 --> 00:34:00.720 Ron Niedermaier: I don't know what 385 00:34:01.530 --> 00:34:02.340 Ron Niedermaier: What they're doing 386 00:34:02.400 --> 00:34:04.530 Ron Niedermaier: Sound like they wanted to thier paperwork to the 387 00:34:04.530 --> 00:34:13.470 Ron Niedermaier: Lawyer. First thing, like I said in that email. It says expired may 1 well I gotta call first thing that 388 00:34:14.790 --> 00:34:14.940 Ron Niedermaier: He 389 00:34:16.530 --> 00:34:17.250 Bill Carman: Told me that 390 00:34:17.340 --> 00:34:19.620 Ron Niedermaier: They couldn't do anything with it because it expired. 391 00:34:20.790 --> 00:34:24.090 Ron Niedermaier: I told her the go through, because I wasn't going to go back and forth. 392 00:34:25.350 --> 00:34:27.300 Ron Niedermaier: On that whole thing. I didn't want 393 00:34:28.500 --> 00:34:36.150 Ron Niedermaier: To go to a lawyer and say you got to change this date, and then they have them. We'll get into what you forgot to put a comma here 394 00:34:37.350 --> 00:34:40.410 Ron Niedermaier: Or whatever. So as you go through the whole thing. 395 00:34:41.250 --> 00:34:42.570 Ron Niedermaier: Make sure you got everything right. 396 00:34:43.710 --> 00:34:45.690 Ron Niedermaier: Then we'll just take and give $to the lawyer 397 00:34:46.620 --> 00:34:48.930 Ron Niedermaier: redo everything you think you need to have 398 00:34:48.960 --> 00:34:49.440 Done. 399 00:34:50.700 --> 00:34:52.050 Ron Niedermaier: And then we'll get it all signed 400 00:34:54.420 --> 00:34:54.840 Kimberly Burgess: So, 401 00:34:55.170 --> 00:34:59.940 Ron Niedermaier: When I talk where she just told me that they'll they will call me when 402 00:35:01.740 --> 00:35:02.730 Kimberly Burgess: They are 403 00:35:02.760 --> 00:35:03.480 Ron Niedermaier: Finished with it. 404 00:35:05.490 --> 00:35:05.850 Bill Devine: So, 405 00:35:05.970 --> 00:35:08.970 Ron Niedermaier: We're just waiting for them to finish with now and 406 00:35:09.660 --> 00:35:14.400 Bill Carman: It says you've been dealing with a it, you get the best feel 407 00:35:15.330 --> 00:35:17.880 Bill Carman: Are we going to get it right away, are we 408 00:35:19.050 --> 00:35:19.290 Bill Carman: Are 409 00:35:19.530 --> 00:35:20.160 We are 410 00:35:21.450 --> 00:35:29.250 Ron Niedermaier: Yeah I know I told mark that start on it though until we get it signed. Well, no, I agree with that. 411 00:35:29.880 --> 00:35:32.340 Bill Carman: You agree if there was a 412 00:35:33.480 --> 00:35:34.770 Bill Carman: First of all, they don't 413 00:35:36.870 --> 00:35:41.820 Bill Carman: If they don't give us that, then there's no sense of putting in a septic because we can't 414 00:35:44.310 --> 00:35:44.550 Bill Carman: Or 415 00:35:44.610 --> 00:35:54.090 Bill Carman: Can we mark. We won't have room mark and put it down the septic tanks gonna be right away. We're not going to have room to put parking below it. Correct. No. 416 00:35:54.570 --> 00:35:57.900 MArk Caldwell: No, we would never be able to get the driveway and could you be driving over the septic 417 00:35:58.470 --> 00:36:07.530 Bill Carman: Right. So there's this yeah if we're if we're not going to get it, then there's no sense in in putting in the septic right when we when 418 00:36:07.590 --> 00:36:08.550 Bill Carman: We should just 419 00:36:10.080 --> 00:36:18.510 Bill Carman: Go back to just having the porta potty. This there. And that's it. No, because without 420 00:36:19.620 --> 00:36:28.890 Bill Carman: You can't put the bathrooms in without having the handicapped parking am i correct with that. If I believe I am right. Yeah. 421 00:36:29.580 --> 00:36:31.350 Ron Niedermaier: So I think we're just, we're just 422 00:36:32.370 --> 00:36:36.000 Ron Niedermaier: hold until signed up. I believe they're going to sign it. 423 00:36:36.930 --> 00:36:39.690 Bill Carman: Well, that's the only thing that would that's all we can do 424 00:36:41.640 --> 00:36:46.050 Bill Carman: So, Mark I show what all the fill in there. That's not going to hurt a 425 00:36:47.970 --> 00:36:56.970 MArk Caldwell: Yeah, I figured out, I'm gonna wait till I get a good stretch of good weather and then try to get that I got a little road work to do, get ready to grindrod so after that. Right. 426 00:36:57.090 --> 00:37:09.330 Bill Carman: Oh, that's right. And we will get my guys are get down there and we'll get the electric tied in we still want electric up there. So we'll get and get that tied in and then 427 00:37:10.380 --> 00:37:11.250 Bill Carman: Then we can go 428 00:37:14.070 --> 00:37:15.630 Bill Devine: From there soon as we get the right away. 429 00:37:17.610 --> 00:37:23.670 Bill Carman: We can put the the road in and then we put the septic in any any more. 430 00:37:24.690 --> 00:37:27.270 Bill Carman: Questions and the Ambuscade 431 00:37:33.090 --> 00:37:33.900 Amy Phelps: Kind of thought to 432 00:37:37.230 --> 00:37:38.700 Move on. I want the seen. 433 00:37:45.330 --> 00:37:46.590 Ron Niedermaier: That are getting moving on with 434 00:37:48.930 --> 00:38:04.680 Bill Carman: What I was down there taking out the septic she came over there had to be 15 of them all together and they come over and walked up to her and said, I mean, everything went up to the monument, then a half an hour later went back, but so 435 00:38:07.620 --> 00:38:09.240 Bill Carman: But she didn't say anything about it. 436 00:38:12.630 --> 00:38:14.460 Bill Carman: Then, Amy, you started to say something. 437 00:38:15.600 --> 00:38:17.250 Bill Carman: Oh, I was the thing I checked with 438 00:38:17.250 --> 00:38:19.530 Amy Phelps: My Amish people and they 439 00:38:20.580 --> 00:38:34.020 Amy Phelps: Said they would do an eight foot table for $100 or a 10 foot for 120 but they want to do that. Is that a plane lumber and they wanted to know if you wanted to pressure treated and I said I didn't think so. 440 00:38:35.730 --> 00:38:43.260 Amy Phelps: Just because of the issues with pressure treated lumber and, you know, eating and cancer and all that. So that was up to you guys. 441 00:38:45.900 --> 00:38:52.170 Bill Devine: I think it might. I think I might make sense to look into plastic picnic tables for up there. 442 00:38:53.370 --> 00:38:55.170 Bill Devine: No, we talked about there already. 443 00:38:55.170 --> 00:38:57.510 Ron Niedermaier: That you all well last 444 00:38:58.920 --> 00:39:02.280 Ron Niedermaier: Amy, so they gave me you talk to somebody about their also right 445 00:39:03.390 --> 00:39:05.220 Kimberly Burgess: Yeah, they had him on. They say actually 446 00:39:05.220 --> 00:39:10.440 Amy Phelps: There down on the state. I don't know if anybody has one the regular picnic tables, they 447 00:39:11.910 --> 00:39:14.490 Amy Phelps: They had to reinforce them so much because they sag. 448 00:39:15.240 --> 00:39:16.740 Ron Niedermaier: Yeah, it didn't work out well. 449 00:39:17.040 --> 00:39:32.610 Amy Phelps: Um, and that's that that that type of seating. If you wanted to do something different. But we, the long seat on them and the top it there's a bunch of them in the Allegheny right on 86 you can look at. I stopped. 450 00:39:32.700 --> 00:39:34.980 Amy Phelps: just happened to be there and looking at them. They just don't 451 00:39:35.310 --> 00:39:39.360 Amy Phelps: They sag. But I agree. It's really nice because you never have to paint them again. 452 00:39:40.800 --> 00:39:48.570 Bill Devine: Why I had to have them and never had a problem with them and we had quite a few people sitting at them, but I don't know that I go with a 10 foot version 453 00:39:51.840 --> 00:39:53.190 Bill Devine: why not Bill. I don't know if you guys 454 00:39:53.190 --> 00:39:53.820 Amy Phelps: Want eight or 455 00:39:53.850 --> 00:39:55.980 10 456 00:40:00.570 --> 00:40:01.140 Kimberly Burgess: I didn't 457 00:40:01.200 --> 00:40:06.120 Amy Phelps: I can price out composite if you want me to. I didn't just because I didn't think you wanted me to, but I can 458 00:40:07.290 --> 00:40:13.080 Bill Devine: Well, the only reason I say that Amy is because three years down the road when they need to be repainted 459 00:40:15.570 --> 00:40:17.790 Bill Carman: You know who's going to be doing that. 460 00:40:18.990 --> 00:40:24.000 Amy Phelps: And why that with anything like that. Yeah. Anytime. I've seen a 461 00:40:24.000 --> 00:40:25.980 Bill Devine: Wooden ones, they always seem to be 462 00:40:26.550 --> 00:40:28.710 Bill Devine: After two or three years, they tend to 463 00:40:28.710 --> 00:40:30.540 Bill Devine: Split and their splitters 464 00:40:30.660 --> 00:40:33.990 Bill Devine: And that kind of thing. So, I mean, I 465 00:40:34.020 --> 00:40:35.940 Bill Devine: Think it would be worth looking into at least 466 00:40:37.320 --> 00:40:39.030 Bill Devine: Well i can i can get prices, it just 467 00:40:39.030 --> 00:40:41.820 Amy Phelps: Wasn't I the ones I've seen or have not been 468 00:40:42.390 --> 00:40:46.440 Amy Phelps: Good. So that was why go to Walmart to go to Walmart and get to 469 00:40:46.440 --> 00:40:48.840 Bill Devine: $69 version. Yeah, they're not very good. 470 00:40:51.390 --> 00:40:52.860 Bill Devine: Run. I talked to keep some benefit. 471 00:40:52.920 --> 00:40:57.420 Ron Niedermaier: To it. He said he didn't recommend to me because you're going to spend 472 00:40:57.810 --> 00:40:59.760 Amy Phelps: I know I've had them, but that's fine. 473 00:41:01.170 --> 00:41:02.760 Amy Phelps: Because I was looking at Walmart. 474 00:41:04.830 --> 00:41:11.130 Ron Niedermaier: You said you spend so much more in bracing try to hold them up register just not worth it. 475 00:41:14.010 --> 00:41:15.750 MArk Caldwell: I know we talked about this before. 476 00:41:16.380 --> 00:41:22.440 Ron Niedermaier: About the rotting ones, you know, riding and whatever. But like I mentioned before, you know, Been. 477 00:41:23.520 --> 00:41:26.100 Ron Niedermaier: Been table that the fireman's pavilion for 478 00:41:26.760 --> 00:41:28.140 MArk Caldwell: 50 years and they're still 479 00:41:28.140 --> 00:41:32.190 Ron Niedermaier: There, I would. I wouldn't paint him. Oh, I would 480 00:41:33.480 --> 00:41:39.930 Ron Niedermaier: Put just stain something that you want to soak in. Don't I wouldn't paint them. 481 00:41:44.040 --> 00:41:46.440 Amy Phelps: Not, you know,helps they are under cover, all the time. That's as well. 482 00:41:49.380 --> 00:41:51.930 Bill Carman: Yes it. Will, I think that we should 483 00:41:52.290 --> 00:41:53.880 MArk Caldwell: Get some tables down there. 484 00:41:54.270 --> 00:41:58.290 Bill Carman: That facility can be used for for a picnic right now. 485 00:41:59.340 --> 00:42:06.390 Bill Carman: In in Mark put the the grills in place and stuff. So we should decide what we're going to do with 486 00:42:06.420 --> 00:42:11.010 MArk Caldwell: Some tables and least get a couple of them down there for people don't people agree with that. 487 00:42:15.330 --> 00:42:15.720 Ron Niedermaier: Yeah. 488 00:42:19.860 --> 00:42:34.500 Steve Atterbury: So my only question is, which was easier to haul off if we have to worry about some nimrod backing up there to his pickup truck hearing them and put them in the back of his pickup truck and driving them home to put out behind his house. 489 00:42:38.760 --> 00:42:40.170 MArk Caldwell: Well obviously the classic 490 00:42:40.170 --> 00:42:41.280 Bill Carman: Would be the lightest 491 00:42:42.660 --> 00:42:44.220 Bill Carman: I think whatever you put up there. 492 00:42:44.220 --> 00:42:47.340 Bill Devine: You're going to have to anchor down in some respect. 493 00:42:50.850 --> 00:42:51.300 Ron Niedermaier: I don't know.teds 494 00:42:52.020 --> 00:42:53.070 Keep really good 495 00:42:54.210 --> 00:42:55.080 Ron Niedermaier: Yes, he does. 496 00:42:57.660 --> 00:42:57.990 Ron Niedermaier: Well, I 497 00:42:58.800 --> 00:43:00.960 Bill Carman: Don't know everybody agreed and we should get 498 00:43:00.960 --> 00:43:02.520 Bill Carman: Some tables there so people can 499 00:43:03.000 --> 00:43:04.320 MArk Caldwell: Use it if they wish to 500 00:43:05.370 --> 00:43:06.060 Bill Carman: Even though that 501 00:43:06.300 --> 00:43:08.940 Bill Carman: Hasn't been opened up to do yet but and I 502 00:43:09.090 --> 00:43:10.890 Bill Carman: Don't think that until the 503 00:43:10.920 --> 00:43:24.540 Bill Carman: Government says we can that we can open it up, but we should add some table should be ready to go. I guess we don't have to have them all. We ought to have a couple of them up there. Well, there's one. 504 00:43:26.460 --> 00:43:29.490 Amy Phelps: I'm sorry, I think there now right 505 00:43:30.270 --> 00:43:36.990 MArk Caldwell: I put the one there. I could always get a couple from the fireman's pavilion, for the time being, if you'd like, I don't, I don't think you're using them. 506 00:43:42.720 --> 00:43:44.250 Bill Carman: I'm sorry I 507 00:43:44.520 --> 00:43:49.950 Kimberly Burgess: The only question that I have. I'm interjecting and I apologize. I'm not supposed to. I would check with 508 00:43:50.190 --> 00:43:52.890 Kimberly Burgess: Ron Maxwell, because we do have an open building permit on 509 00:43:52.890 --> 00:43:54.300 Kimberly Burgess: That with no closure around there. 510 00:43:57.840 --> 00:43:58.470 Kimberly Burgess: So, okay. 511 00:43:59.280 --> 00:44:01.020 Kimberly Burgess: Let's see, forthe Temporary C/c that for using it. 512 00:44:01.110 --> 00:44:01.380 Well, 513 00:44:03.120 --> 00:44:05.610 Bill Carman: I didn't. I did not think of that, but I will 514 00:44:07.350 --> 00:44:18.810 Bill Carman: I will talk to him to see what it's going to take to do that. But if we if we can let people enjoy somewhat then we still gotta wait for all we need to say it's okay. 515 00:44:19.320 --> 00:44:27.360 Bill Carman: But if we can you know we waited long enough, not having anything there. I don't think that we should wait any longer. And then we have to 516 00:44:29.460 --> 00:44:32.550 Bill Carman: I will check with ran very good point can 517 00:44:33.750 --> 00:44:34.770 Kimberly Burgess: You. In fact, 518 00:44:35.400 --> 00:44:39.150 Bill Devine: In that line. Do we have a sign. They're saying it's closed. 519 00:44:42.480 --> 00:44:43.830 Kimberly Burgess: But I don't think that there is there's or 520 00:44:44.850 --> 00:44:45.180 Bill Carman: Mark 521 00:44:46.200 --> 00:44:49.080 MArk Caldwell: No, I don't know, there's no sign saying of closed right now. 522 00:44:51.120 --> 00:44:59.340 Bill Carman: I think that most people are exercising the the the separation and not grouping. 523 00:45:04.350 --> 00:45:10.800 Bill Devine: Oh, I agree there, but I'm just saying that, should there be a sign technically legally 524 00:45:10.800 --> 00:45:13.680 Bill Devine: Should there be a sign saying this part is closed. 525 00:45:17.010 --> 00:45:18.120 Kimberly Burgess: I don't know the government 526 00:45:18.450 --> 00:45:23.550 Bill Carman: The governor Albany, open up parks like like Letchworth is open. 527 00:45:26.160 --> 00:45:35.640 Bill Carman: So I don't know. I guess I will, I will get the answers to that and short order and get back to everybody. But you know, I was just thinking that 528 00:45:36.210 --> 00:45:48.360 Bill Carman: We've waited so long and we're still not ready yet. You know, if we had not had all these setbacks, it would have been finished in and up by now an open but 529 00:45:49.320 --> 00:45:50.880 Bill Devine: Oh, Bill. I agree. 530 00:45:51.060 --> 00:45:58.980 Bill Devine: I agree wholeheartedly, I just as I drive by other parks. I see signs saying closed and I'm just 531 00:45:59.580 --> 00:46:06.510 Bill Carman: They just came to mind. So I will, I will find out whether or not we can do it. 532 00:46:08.040 --> 00:46:11.370 Bill Carman: We still some point in time are going to need some picnic tables. 533 00:46:12.570 --> 00:46:18.720 Bill Carman: So in personally I don't care which one I think that Ron is right about the ones down the 534 00:46:18.720 --> 00:46:20.370 Bill Carman: Fire pavilion. 535 00:46:20.670 --> 00:46:25.650 Bill Carman: They've been in there forever. They're all under cover which makes all the difference in the world in 536 00:46:26.850 --> 00:46:34.350 Bill Carman: Your you don't have a bigger roof area down here, the advocate IS WE IS IS THERE IS DOWN IN THE FIRE Pavilion, but 537 00:46:35.610 --> 00:46:48.210 Bill Carman: If I think that would would last but that it's immaterial me what everybody decides wood or plastic so but we should we should have tables lined up. 538 00:46:49.440 --> 00:46:49.770 Bill Devine: So, 539 00:46:51.240 --> 00:46:56.910 Ron Niedermaier: I think for $100 a table, we should just get them at least two or three of them. 540 00:47:01.620 --> 00:47:05.580 Bill Carman: Anybody else agree, disagree. Don't want to agree what 541 00:47:06.840 --> 00:47:10.410 Steve Atterbury: Yeah, I agree. We get wood ones and just stain in them, like you said, 542 00:47:12.270 --> 00:47:13.230 Steve Atterbury: Like Ron said 543 00:47:17.970 --> 00:47:19.710 Bill Carman: Yeah, I am somebody else agree with it. 544 00:47:22.050 --> 00:47:22.860 Bill Carman: Or disagree. 545 00:47:26.040 --> 00:47:26.760 Bill Carman: Well, I mean, I 546 00:47:27.000 --> 00:47:28.710 Amy Phelps: I can them its no big deal 547 00:47:32.310 --> 00:47:36.510 Bill Carman: Do you agree with, we should try to wood Amy. No. Yes. 548 00:47:36.840 --> 00:47:37.680 Amy Phelps: I do 549 00:47:39.150 --> 00:47:41.970 Amy Phelps: I prefer wood but that's 550 00:47:43.410 --> 00:47:43.860 Bill Carman: Okay. 551 00:47:43.890 --> 00:47:44.850 Then we'll go with wood 552 00:47:46.290 --> 00:47:46.470 Bill Devine: It. 553 00:47:46.650 --> 00:47:49.020 Bill Carman: Is and should we just get a 554 00:47:50.850 --> 00:47:54.780 Bill Carman: How many are we going to be able to put down there. Nobody's measured that 555 00:47:57.990 --> 00:48:00.150 Ron Niedermaier: I looked at it at one time and probably eight 556 00:48:06.030 --> 00:48:06.780 Kimberly Burgess: So, do we 557 00:48:07.980 --> 00:48:09.150 Kimberly Burgess: We want to show my want to 558 00:48:09.270 --> 00:48:14.670 Amy Phelps: Have them do three to start and then go from there. So that would give us for down there. 559 00:48:16.230 --> 00:48:16.770 Amy Phelps: Agreed. 560 00:48:18.030 --> 00:48:20.040 Ron Niedermaier: That's, that's fine with me and then 561 00:48:20.040 --> 00:48:25.200 Bill Carman: I'll still check out whether or not it can't be open. I don't want to put down any tables down there. 562 00:48:28.590 --> 00:48:34.260 Bill Carman: But once it can be open. I think we should have them there as quick as we possibly can for the people. 563 00:48:36.300 --> 00:48:38.640 Amy Phelps: I can ask you turn around time to 564 00:48:41.310 --> 00:48:45.900 Bill Carman: Yes, that I didn't even think about that. It's not like you're going to go back up and load them up tomorrow. Right. 565 00:48:46.560 --> 00:48:49.350 Amy Phelps: No, no, he hasn't happened. Built right 566 00:48:52.320 --> 00:48:57.750 Bill Carman: So I guess we're going to get three of them for now and go from there or what 567 00:48:59.940 --> 00:49:00.780 Bill Carman: Agree. Yes, I 568 00:49:01.890 --> 00:49:02.310 Steve Atterbury: Agree. 569 00:49:03.540 --> 00:49:04.020 Bill Carman: Okay. 570 00:49:04.740 --> 00:49:05.100 Then 571 00:49:06.390 --> 00:49:06.660 Bill Carman: We have 572 00:49:08.250 --> 00:49:10.980 Kimberly Burgess: A motion to purchase three picnic table. 573 00:49:13.740 --> 00:49:13.950 So,moved Ron 574 00:49:17.460 --> 00:49:18.510 Steve Atterbury: Steve second 575 00:49:19.680 --> 00:49:21.240 Bill Carman: You call roll. Please Kim. 576 00:49:22.290 --> 00:49:25.200 Kimberly Burgess: Absolutely supervisor Carman aye 577 00:49:26.700 --> 00:49:27.720 Bill Carman: Help Councilmember Devine 578 00:49:28.710 --> 00:49:29.190 aye 579 00:49:30.240 --> 00:49:31.410 Kimberly Burgess: Councilmember Atterbury 580 00:49:32.370 --> 00:49:32.820 Steve Atterbury: aye 581 00:49:33.750 --> 00:49:35.970 Kimberly Burgess: Councilmember Niedermaier. Aye. 582 00:49:37.080 --> 00:49:38.010 Bill Devine: Councilmeber Phelps 583 00:49:39.330 --> 00:49:39.780 Kimberly Burgess: aye 584 00:49:42.180 --> 00:49:48.030 Kimberly Burgess: all, all unannimous. Okay. So Amy, if 585 00:49:48.030 --> 00:49:50.610 Bill Carman: You put that in play. Thank you. 586 00:49:50.910 --> 00:49:52.950 Bill Carman: Sure. Okay, then I'll 587 00:49:54.540 --> 00:49:56.220 Amy Phelps: Consult with you guys on what you want. 588 00:49:56.310 --> 00:49:57.240 Stained on and 589 00:49:58.800 --> 00:50:01.560 Amy Phelps: Get that too. I can, I can do that if you want me to 590 00:50:03.750 --> 00:50:04.260 Go ahead. 591 00:50:06.630 --> 00:50:08.160 Bill Carman: Tell me, what you want, I can do it. 592 00:50:12.570 --> 00:50:13.980 Bill Devine: I'm not a painter, so I can't 593 00:50:14.010 --> 00:50:14.790 Bill Carman: Tell you what do you 594 00:50:16.470 --> 00:50:18.180 Bill Carman: I just use natural Amy 595 00:50:21.480 --> 00:50:22.350 Amy Phelps: I'll be in touch. 596 00:50:24.630 --> 00:50:25.320 Bill Carman: Thank you. 597 00:50:25.800 --> 00:50:29.250 Ron Niedermaier: I can go down and do are also won't take too long to do all 598 00:50:35.640 --> 00:50:41.580 Ron Niedermaier: The Ambuscade in the parks and recreation on the 599 00:50:43.320 --> 00:50:43.980 Ron Niedermaier: On the monies 600 00:50:46.470 --> 00:50:48.060 Ron Niedermaier: Little back while ago. Right. 601 00:50:49.320 --> 00:50:54.090 Bill Carman: Yeah we we we heard him. They said goodbye. Correct. Kim. 602 00:50:55.200 --> 00:51:04.890 Kimberly Burgess: we had to agree that basically we have the intent that we're keeping the park, as the, as it was stated in the original 603 00:51:06.330 --> 00:51:14.070 Kimberly Burgess: grant money that if we ever differed from that then we would have to pay back all the money, but basically they were happy with. 604 00:51:14.550 --> 00:51:26.160 Kimberly Burgess: What we did and they pretty much walked away as long as we maintain that park in the park and we couldn't change it, which we won't have an intention we made a motion on that. A couple months ago. 605 00:51:30.030 --> 00:51:30.480 Ron Niedermaier:okay 606 00:51:30.870 --> 00:51:32.310 Bill Carman: Anything else any advocate. 607 00:51:37.440 --> 00:51:38.160 Bill Carman: I guess not 608 00:51:40.470 --> 00:51:43.380 Bill Carman: Getting back to the to the public hearing and the 609 00:51:44.640 --> 00:51:45.990 Bill Carman: The battery storage. 610 00:51:47.820 --> 00:52:03.450 Bill Carman: There was, there was some question from Livingston County Planning Board and how it was verbalized whether we were putting a moratorium and just big scale battery storage. 611 00:52:04.470 --> 00:52:07.980 Bill Carman: But the way it was worded was all battery storage and 612 00:52:09.210 --> 00:52:14.550 Bill Carman: Because of what it would cost us to have lawyer, change the 613 00:52:15.780 --> 00:52:19.680 Bill Carman: Change the verbiage to make it just large battery storage. 614 00:52:20.340 --> 00:52:24.600 Bill Carman: I said to go ahead and let it be a moratorium on any 615 00:52:24.600 --> 00:52:26.010 Bill Carman: battery storage in 616 00:52:27.120 --> 00:52:34.170 Bill Carman: The county thought that, well, if there was a an issue where a farmer had to have a battery. 617 00:52:34.800 --> 00:52:53.340 Bill Carman: To run something in a power outage. I said, they're going to start the generator. You're not going to hear anything about it. And so, so the moratorium would reflect all battery storage for solar generation is net correct Kim. Yeah, yeah. 618 00:52:54.660 --> 00:52:55.050 Kimberly Burgess: And 619 00:52:56.790 --> 00:53:04.200 Bill Carman: So that was going to going to be and then. So the planning board is six months to to do the to do their job. 620 00:53:07.380 --> 00:53:13.020 Bill Carman: And so now, is there any more questions and the solar battery storage. 621 00:53:14.070 --> 00:53:14.640 Bill Carman: Issue. 622 00:53:17.010 --> 00:53:19.110 Bill Carman: Resolution, then we want to 623 00:53:20.460 --> 00:53:26.910 Bill Carman: We want to make a motion to or do we have to do that. What do we have do there, Kim. Yeah, you need to 624 00:53:29.100 --> 00:53:34.770 Kimberly Burgess: Do the resolution 41 I need somebody to make the motion and 625 00:53:35.880 --> 00:53:39.420 Kimberly Burgess: That that very want to move forward with the local law 626 00:53:45.420 --> 00:53:45.600 Steve Atterbury: I'll make the motion 627 00:53:47.160 --> 00:53:49.200 Steve Atterbury: Resolution 41 2020 628 00:53:50.910 --> 00:53:53.670 Kimberly Burgess: That's councilmember Atterbury you're making the motion. 629 00:53:54.660 --> 00:53:55.020 Correct. 630 00:53:57.750 --> 00:53:58.260 Amy Phelps: I'll second that Ron 631 00:54:00.090 --> 00:54:03.390 Kimberly Burgess: Councilmember Niedermaier. Second, and I'm going to do roll call. 632 00:54:05.070 --> 00:54:05.760 Bill Carman: councilman 633 00:54:05.880 --> 00:54:08.250 Kimberly Burgess: Our excuse me supervisor Carman aye 634 00:54:10.050 --> 00:54:11.130 Councilmember devine 635 00:54:12.540 --> 00:54:13.050 Bill Devine: aye 636 00:54:14.220 --> 00:54:15.330 Kimberly Burgess: Councilmember Atterbury 637 00:54:16.410 --> 00:54:16.770 Kimberly Burgess: aye 638 00:54:18.840 --> 00:54:20.760 Kimberly Burgess: Councilmember Niedermaier 639 00:54:21.690 --> 00:54:22.800 Ron Niedermaier: aye 640 00:54:24.480 --> 00:54:24.870 Kimberly Burgess: Councilmember Phelps 641 00:54:26.400 --> 00:54:26.850 Amy Phelps: Aye ok 642 00:54:28.800 --> 00:54:29.280 Bill Carman: OK. 643 00:54:30.210 --> 00:54:32.490 Bill Carman: Unless there is anything else. 644 00:54:33.210 --> 00:54:35.490 Bill Carman: I just got a couple comments here. 645 00:54:38.280 --> 00:54:47.010 Bill Carman: The county reached out to us about the updated at Wilton road 911 tower. 646 00:54:48.150 --> 00:54:50.940 Bill Carman: Whether we had for the seqr if we had any 647 00:54:52.050 --> 00:54:53.430 Bill Carman: Questions or comments. 648 00:54:54.510 --> 00:54:56.730 Bill Carman: In from the town and 649 00:54:58.830 --> 00:55:03.540 Bill Carman: We noted that there wasn't any so I signed it and send it back to the county 650 00:55:05.520 --> 00:55:06.210 Bill Carman: We had 651 00:55:06.840 --> 00:55:16.920 Bill Carman: The planning board meeting was held on April 27 MONDAY NIGHT, APRIL 27 via zoom and there was a couple little hiccups at the beginning, but for the most 652 00:55:17.460 --> 00:55:32.850 Bill Carman: Part, just like this meeting that it goes along pretty good. One thing I have noticed on the Zoom is meetings are a lot shorter, you don't have, you know, socializing are getting off track as much when you're on the phone. 653 00:55:34.620 --> 00:55:35.070 Bill Carman: So, 654 00:55:36.210 --> 00:55:38.070 Bill Carman: That's going pretty good also 655 00:55:39.120 --> 00:55:40.320 Bill Carman: The planning board. 656 00:55:42.180 --> 00:55:46.050 Bill Carman: The ATD district. The proposed Zoning law. 657 00:55:47.220 --> 00:55:56.040 Bill Carman: That we asked what it, what it was for. And is down gave law station in the Ron Maxwell did research in it in 658 00:55:57.600 --> 00:56:08.490 Bill Carman: Set of anything that was for multi Family Development how it got put in there. Why get put in there. He didn't know. But he he he thinks it should be down 659 00:56:09.510 --> 00:56:11.250 Bill Carman: At the Hamptons corners. 660 00:56:12.810 --> 00:56:13.260 And 661 00:56:15.480 --> 00:56:21.510 Bill Carman: He's uh, he's going to get that information to the planning board so they they can look into that. 662 00:56:22.770 --> 00:56:23.910 Ron Niedermaier: And they're also 663 00:56:23.940 --> 00:56:33.780 Bill Carman: They're continuing to review the conservancy requests, they received in are trying to prepare questions for the conservancy on this farmland protection. 664 00:56:36.510 --> 00:56:37.080 Issues. 665 00:56:38.280 --> 00:56:40.110 Amy Phelps: About them doing stuff and 666 00:56:40.110 --> 00:56:42.900 Bill Carman: And then expecting the town to 667 00:56:43.980 --> 00:56:45.600 Bill Carman: To go by what they have to say. 668 00:56:46.830 --> 00:56:48.660 Bill Carman: The interpretation is there that 669 00:56:49.800 --> 00:56:50.910 Bill Carman: It should be that 670 00:56:52.290 --> 00:57:01.080 Bill Carman: They come to the town before they make the deal with the conservancy so that the conservancy knows what the town wants not the other way around. 671 00:57:03.000 --> 00:57:03.750 Ron Niedermaier: And then 672 00:57:05.070 --> 00:57:13.860 Bill Carman: The June primary from the Board of Elections prior to the recent ruling from the courts, there will be two elections held on June 23 2020 673 00:57:14.490 --> 00:57:26.340 Bill Carman: From 6am to 9pm in the special congressional republican primary board of election is going reduce the number of polling sites for each down to the covid 19 674 00:57:26.910 --> 00:57:42.090 Bill Carman: With this being said, the Board of Elections plan is to have all voters of Groveland and go to the town hall, and I don't know. You know how they're going to do this for the separation and everything, but it's going to be done, I guess so. 675 00:57:43.470 --> 00:57:46.470 Bill Carman: I don't think that Kim. Did I miss anything. 676 00:57:47.430 --> 00:57:48.420 Kimberly Burgess: Nope you got it all. 677 00:57:49.620 --> 00:57:58.170 Bill Carman: Okay, does anybody else in this is whenever we add something to get more than one people start talking so 678 00:57:59.220 --> 00:58:00.420 Bill Carman: Bill, do you have anything 679 00:58:01.920 --> 00:58:02.670 Bill Carman: No, I don't. 680 00:58:04.170 --> 00:58:05.670 Bill Devine: Steve, you have anything 681 00:58:06.660 --> 00:58:07.860 Bill Carman: No, I did a thank you 682 00:58:08.640 --> 00:58:09.960 Steve Atterbury: Amy, do you have anything 683 00:58:11.010 --> 00:58:13.680 Amy Phelps: No, I'm good thank you Ron you got 684 00:58:13.830 --> 00:58:14.430 Anything. 685 00:58:15.930 --> 00:58:18.750 Ron Niedermaier: Yeah, that same no no talking to 686 00:58:22.650 --> 00:58:38.310 Ron Niedermaier: Kim this today we need to have a caucus sometime in June, June 1 of july first is ours do you know or do I get ahold all of them down there, we'll see how we can do that. 687 00:58:39.120 --> 00:58:42.510 Bill Carman: I don't have a clue never even thought about it Ronn it 688 00:58:44.100 --> 00:58:52.980 Bill Carman: It haven't, I haven't heard much of anything about the Board of Elections because the governor had made up, you know, said anything so 689 00:58:52.980 --> 00:58:56.280 Bill Carman: I don't know how I can reach out to them if you wish. 690 00:58:58.260 --> 00:58:58.980 Bill Carman: I don't know. 691 00:58:59.970 --> 00:59:06.240 Ron Niedermaier: I just know the caucus dates are July 1 July 1 we have enough. Thank you very 692 00:59:07.800 --> 00:59:07.980 MArk Caldwell: Much 693 00:59:08.160 --> 00:59:10.170 Bill Carman: You gotta have them before the 694 00:59:11.070 --> 00:59:11.820 MArk Caldwell: Right, okay. 695 00:59:12.570 --> 00:59:18.180 Bill Carman: THE Caucus has got to be okay for it at 40 opens judge sheet seat in in November. 696 00:59:19.170 --> 00:59:19.560 Correct. 697 00:59:21.480 --> 00:59:25.950 Bill Carman: I don't know how I don't know how you're going to do it you know it. 698 00:59:28.200 --> 00:59:33.900 Ron Niedermaier: I'll call down, talk to David and see how he wants to do him to give me a couple of dates. 699 00:59:36.540 --> 00:59:46.860 Ron Niedermaier: the first to Tuesday's actually in July Be open to do that. Like I told her we got to get 700 00:59:47.910 --> 00:59:49.080 MArk Caldwell: The advertisements and 701 00:59:49.650 --> 01:00:03.030 Ron Niedermaier: I'm thinking it's 10 to 14 days that the advertisers need to be in for. So I was going to reach out with them and then I'll actually have a talk with David Carman. Yep. 702 01:00:03.720 --> 01:00:04.830 Bill Carman: David Carman for what 703 01:00:06.780 --> 01:00:15.690 Ron Niedermaier: isn't he the Republican chair. Sure. Yeah. Yeah. You're right. Okay, I'm sorry. I was thinking historian. I'm sorry. Go ahead. Yep. 704 01:00:16.770 --> 01:00:17.010 Bill Carman: Just 705 01:00:17.070 --> 01:00:21.390 Ron Niedermaier: Reach out to him to see, we could kind of scheduled, the same day. 706 01:00:21.450 --> 01:00:23.700 Ron Niedermaier: Like we did before. In 707 01:00:24.750 --> 01:00:26.370 Ron Niedermaier: Just we know what's going on there. 708 01:00:27.780 --> 01:00:30.780 Bill Carman: Well, I HOW ARE YOU. I'M DOING. You know how you 709 01:00:31.860 --> 01:00:40.320 Bill Carman: You're almost going to ask people in that not to show up I we're going to do that flat out in the parking lot. Well, that's what I told Kim. 710 01:00:41.370 --> 01:00:49.260 Ron Niedermaier: For our caucus will be no problem. We don't get any more than likely have to invite a couple of people to get there, you know, 711 01:00:49.920 --> 01:00:50.250 Bill Carman: We can 712 01:00:50.670 --> 01:00:53.280 Ron Niedermaier: Circle around vehicle and do ours. 713 01:00:55.410 --> 01:00:55.830 Ron Niedermaier: You guys 714 01:00:56.970 --> 01:00:57.480 Ron Niedermaier: It's not 715 01:00:57.510 --> 01:01:05.340 Bill Carman: My decision to be made let David Carman, figure out what he wants to do. Yeah, well, I'll talk to David Dipasquale too 716 01:01:06.600 --> 01:01:07.320 Ron Niedermaier: You. I thought you 717 01:01:07.350 --> 01:01:11.190 Bill Carman: When you first said Dave. That's what I thought you were going to Dave yeah worry 718 01:01:11.580 --> 01:01:15.480 Ron Niedermaier: I'll talk to him also to see if he come up with something 719 01:01:16.980 --> 01:01:21.360 Ron Niedermaier: He's the one who brought it to my attention here a couple weeks ago that we need to 720 01:01:22.950 --> 01:01:27.600 Bill Carman: Were a small town. I wonder what the Geneseo or Livonia, they get 721 01:01:29.340 --> 01:01:30.240 Bill Carman: bigger issues. 722 01:01:31.680 --> 01:01:33.090 Bill Carman: Yeah, I don't think there's too many 723 01:01:33.150 --> 01:01:38.700 Ron Niedermaier: Towns is only. I think there's only five elections this year. Okay, so that 724 01:01:40.290 --> 01:01:42.090 Bill Carman: In five different towns. I think 725 01:01:42.240 --> 01:01:43.530 Ron Niedermaier: All judges. 726 01:01:45.270 --> 01:01:46.410 Maybe except one. 727 01:01:49.530 --> 01:01:51.180 Ron Niedermaier: Can be a four year term. 728 01:01:52.770 --> 01:01:55.380 Ron Niedermaier: Which is good because alternate judges in 729 01:01:56.520 --> 01:01:57.900 Bill Carman: no, I was told. 730 01:01:59.610 --> 01:02:01.260 Bill Carman: It'd be a one year term. 731 01:02:04.080 --> 01:02:04.380 no 732 01:02:06.060 --> 01:02:06.240 Ron Niedermaier: I 733 01:02:07.350 --> 01:02:12.720 Ron Niedermaier: they told me know it's gonna be a four year term. Well, then it is it 734 01:02:13.020 --> 01:02:14.940 Bill Carman: Like I said, I don't know, but 735 01:02:15.090 --> 01:02:17.220 Bill Carman: It's not to finish off the term. It's 736 01:02:17.490 --> 01:02:20.370 Ron Niedermaier: To start the whole new term, you know, for four term. 737 01:02:25.080 --> 01:02:28.080 Bill Carman: Why wouldn't. Why wouldn't it be to finish the term. 738 01:02:31.920 --> 01:02:32.430 Bill Carman: I don't know. 739 01:02:33.960 --> 01:02:36.870 Ron Niedermaier: I don't make the laws. No I just wondered 740 01:02:36.960 --> 01:02:39.180 Bill Carman: I don't, I don't, I'm not sure either 741 01:02:39.180 --> 01:02:49.470 Ron Niedermaier: But I am a sec. Let's assume they're going to be finished. The term and they told me. No, it's a four year terms or whenever the elections happens. 742 01:02:50.610 --> 01:02:57.840 Ron Niedermaier: Well i don't i don't think that that's a bad idea. So you don't have both judges on the same anniversary. So right 743 01:02:58.920 --> 01:02:59.160 Ron Niedermaier: So, 744 01:02:59.550 --> 01:03:01.230 Bill Carman: Very good. Anything else, right. 745 01:03:01.920 --> 01:03:02.520 Ron Niedermaier: Now Ron 746 01:03:03.840 --> 01:03:05.220 Bill Carman: Mark, did you have anything 747 01:03:06.000 --> 01:03:06.570 Nope. 748 01:03:07.890 --> 01:03:08.940 And Miss Kim. 749 01:03:09.990 --> 01:03:10.710 I'm all set 750 01:03:11.970 --> 01:03:15.480 Bill Carman: Thank you, everybody. Have a great weekend. Stay safe. 751 01:03:16.320 --> 01:03:17.220 Ron Niedermaier: Okay, you know, 752 01:03:18.120 --> 01:03:19.470 Bill Carman: What we need a motion. to end it 753 01:03:20.490 --> 01:03:20.820 Kimberly Burgess: Yep. 754 01:03:24.810 --> 01:03:25.650 Ron Niedermaier: 755 01:03:26.670 --> 01:03:31.440 Kimberly Burgess: Everybody wants to stay on. I need a motion to close the meeting, please. 756 01:03:31.890 --> 01:03:33.960 Bill Carman: Steve will make a motion to adjourn. 757 01:03:35.910 --> 01:03:36.870 MArk Caldwell: And second, please. 758 01:03:38.580 --> 01:03:39.720 Kimberly Burgess: Okay, Ronn. 759 01:03:41.640 --> 01:03:42.540 roll please. 760 01:03:43.950 --> 01:03:45.750 Bill Carman: So I have a motion to close the meeting by 761 01:03:45.750 --> 01:03:51.210 Kimberly Burgess: Councilmember Atterbury and seconded by councilmember Niedermaier supervisor Carman aye 762 01:03:52.740 --> 01:03:53.760 Bill Carman: Councilmember devine 763 01:03:54.780 --> 01:03:57.210 Kimberly Burgess: aye councilmember Atterbury aye 764 01:03:59.880 --> 01:04:01.110 Kimberly Burgess: Councilmember Niedermaier. aye 765 01:04:03.150 --> 01:04:04.380 Ron Niedermaier: And councilmember Phelps 766 01:04:05.640 --> 01:04:06.060 Kimberly Burgess: aye 767 01:04:07.830 --> 01:04:08.160 Amy Phelps: Great. 768 01:04:09.030 --> 01:04:09.780 Kimberly Burgess: Good night, everybody. 769 01:04:10.410 --> 01:04:10.770 Good night.